About Me

Hello! I am a transpersonal and somatic therapist specializing in working with individuals who are on the path of spiritual awakening and personal growth.

Using shamanic and mindfulness-based approaches, I love helping people to identify the areas in their life that make them feel stuck, and help them to find new ways by becoming aware of thoughts, feelings, and emotions that no longer serve them.

I have a non-judgmental and strengths-based approach, and deeply honor each soul’s individual path.  I have many years of experience as a mental health provider and spiritual counselor, including doing individual therapy, group work, and leading workshops. I have a daily spiritual practice that includes meditation, qi-gong, and shamanic energy work that helps me to bring my best self forward in this work.

I work from a humanist perspective, using empathy and kindness to recognize peoples’ strengths and to support them in creating a thriving and balanced lifestyle.

Please contact me to learn more about my unique approach to help you reach your fullest potential. I look forward to hearing from you.

Some extras about me:

  • M.A. Holistic Counseling Psychology from John F. Kennedy University.

  • Macrobiotic chef from Kushi Macrobiotic Institute.

  • Meditation and Qi-gong Instructor.

  • Re-connective Healing Practitioner.

  • Reiki II Practitioner

  • Sannyasin, Burner.